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Member Resources

Through the member portal, members may access the membership directory, participate in Forum discussions and view career opportunities posted by CFE members.   This page also shares opportunities to join the conversation and expand your network and knowledge through your CFE membership.


LinkedIn provides a place for professionals to share content, find answers, post and view jobs, make business contacts, and establish themselves as industry experts. Company pages are an extension of the web site and are good for promoting events and company updates and obtaining business leads.

CFE's LinkedIn page posts material includes topics that are relevant to financial leaders, sourced from both CFE members and other financial outlets. The page is open to anyone who has an interest in tracking what CFE members have to share, subject to the rules of the group page.


Showcase Your Industry Expertise

Are you an expert in your industry? Is your industry in the news regarding a crisis, new product or regulation, growth or decline, or positive or negative headlines? Would you like to showcase your knowledge at a CFE Lunch and Learn?

We are looking for individuals that want to spearhead a discussion over lunch on the current state of their industry, their experiences and the lessons they have learned. Lunch and Learns typically run from 12-1pm in a smaller group setting (10-15 individuals) at the speaker’s office conference room. The format can be brown bag style (attendees bring their own lunch) or the speaker may choose to provide. CFE can assist with finding office space if none is available by the speaker. This is not a forum to pitch your company’s products to other CFE members, however a natural part of the conversation will highlight your talent and expertise.

Interested? Please contact: Deb Hypke at admin@chicagofinanceexchange.org

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